Annick De Paepe

Annick De Paepe

Tags: core team, FPPW Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, reproducible research practices, preprints

Field: Health psychology
I strongly believe in the value of open science because it encourages a culture of sharing and scrutiny, allowing others to replicate studies and build upon our work. This not only enhances the quality of research but also accelerates the pace of scientific discovery.
More about me on: Research explorer
Find me on: LinkedIn, Research Gate

Dries Debeer

Dries Debeer

Tags: core team, FPPW Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, reproducible research practices, open source

Field: Data analysis
I am a statistical consultant at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. I support researchers with different data-analytical aspects of their research. I am interested in promoting reproducible and open research, and I am particularly interested in reproducible data analysis and open code.
More about me on: Research explorer
Find me on: LinkedIn, Research Gate, GitHub, OSF

Evelien Dhollander

Evelien Dhollander

Tags: core team, University Library

Field: Data curation
I’m a Data Curator and member of the Open Science team, helping coordinate the community. I support researchers in sharing their research data in a FAIR way and try to keep up to date with trends in the constantly evolving Open Science landscape.

Find me on: LinkedIn

Inge Van Nieuwerburgh

Inge Van Nieuwerburgh

Tags: core team, University Library, open (access) publishing

Field: Open scholarly communication
I’m a member of the Open Science team and I help coordinating the community. My main interest is in supporting researchers to achieve open access to their research results, not only through advice, training and communication, but also by participating in European initiatives such as ⁠OpenAIRE.
More about me on: Research explorer
Find me on: LinkedIn

Jan Lammertyn

Jan Lammertyn

Tags: core team, FPPW Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, ethics, GDPR

Field: Good research practices
At the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, I support researchers in their efforts to adopt and implement good research practices. My interest lies in research data management as a catalyst for advancing open science. Additionally, I am deeply engaged in exploring the intersections between open science, ethics, and privacy.

Find me on: LinkedIn, Mastodon

Louise Poppe

Louise Poppe

Tags: core team, FGE Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, preregistration, FAIR & open data, preprints, reproducible research practices

Field: Public Health
I am particularly interested in reproducible science because it ensures that our efforts build on a solid foundation and avoid the waste of valuable resources.
More about me on: Research explorer
Find me on: Bluesky

Myriam Mertens

Myriam Mertens

Tags: core team, University Library, FAIR & open data, open (access) publishing

Field: Open science, Libraries, Support services As lead of the Library’s Open Science team, I am keen to help foster a supportive environment that encourages and enables our researchers to share, adopt and sustain open and reproducible research practices.
More about me on: Research explorer
Find me on: LinkedIn

Paula Oset

Paula Oset

Tags: core team, University Library, FAIR & open data, open educational resources

Field: Research Data Management
I’m a data steward in the Open Science team, helping coordinate our community’s activities. My main interests lie in open data and open educational resources, and I’m looking forward to learn more about open code, collaborative workflows and reproducible research practices.
Find me on: LinkedIn

Pieter Van Dessel

Pieter Van Dessel

Tags: core team, FPPW Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, preregistration, evidence-based practice, reproducible research practices

Field: Behaviour Change
I’m committed to evidence-based, open, and reproducible practices because they are essential for achieving reliable and impactful scientific results. By prioritizing these principles, we ensure our research meaningfully advances knowledge and solutions.
More about me on: Personal website, Research explorer,
Find me on: LinkedIn, Research Gate

Stefanie De Bodt

Stefanie De Bodt

Tags: core team, University Library, FAIR & open data, notebooks

Field: Research Data Management
As data steward, I help in the coordination of the community. I am interested in promoting data sharing and in helping researchers to become more effective by working in a reproducible way.
Find me on: LinkedIn